‘William Marshal, the man and the myth’ – lecture Professor David Carpenter
You are invited to The Priory for a Commemorative Service of Choral Evensong at 3.30pm on Sunday 12th May 2019 to celebrate the life of our founder who died 800 years ago in May 1219.
Following the service please join us at 6.15pm for a lecture by Professor David Carpenter. ‘William Marshal, the man and the myth’
David Carpenter is Professor of Medieval History at King’s College London. Professor Carpenter has written widely on the social, political, economic, diplomatic, and architectural history of England in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, making him one of the world’s leading authorities on the period. Many of his articles have been brought together in a volume of his works, The Reign of Henry III (1996). His other works include, The Minority of Henry III (1990), The Struggle for Mastery in Britain 1066-1284 (2004), and Magna Carta (2015). The first volume of his biography of Henry III, covering the years 1207-1258, will appear with Yale University Press in 2020.
Refreshments will be served after Evensong and before the lecture.
A retiring collection after Evensong will be in aid of St John’s Ambulance.
Tickets for the lecture £10.00 available form The Priory Shop or on the door.